css text-overflow mobile safari
css - android/webkit text-overflow: ellipsis not working - Stack Overflow.
CSS3 transition in mobile Safari breaks CSS. - Stack Overflow.
css - Chrome/Safari: box-shadow only appears on text input if border.
You could perhaps emulate a text-stroke, using the css text-shadow (or .. my other hardcore CSS projects. mobile safari also seems to have a.
Renders correctly on Safari desktop but on iPhone the right column is. a:hover { color:#fff; background:#369; text-decoration:none; } h1, h2.
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="only screen and. However, the mobile Safari on my iPhone4 always uses the PC landing.css file.
Mobile Safari rendering CSS differently - any fix? - Stack Overflow.
css - Text-indent bug in safari, or expected behavior? - Stack Overflow.
css - How to force re-render after a WebKit 3D transform in Safari.
CSS Font Border? - Stack Overflow.
Oct 7, 2011. Mobile Safari on iOS 4.3 has an issue rendering the text overflow. Digging around in the CSS it looks like this rule is causing the issue:.
Is there a way to instruct Safari (via CSS or metadata) not to round the .. How can I remove the border style from a text input on mobile safari?
Stack Overflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast. I have just tried to make the submit button bigger in the css file and also. with text alignment not working properly in buttons on iPhone Safari.